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Bryan University Employee Spotlight: Brittainy Thomas, Student Success Coach 

A smiling woman

Meet Brittainy Thomas, a Student Success Coach (SSC) at Bryan University. At BU, we put students first, and SSCs play an essential role in helping guide students through their academic journeys. 

Brittainy has been part of the BU team for nearly two years and in that time, she said BU has been like a family for her. “I’m so grateful!”  

As an SSC, she plays a pivotal role in the success of our students. She identifies students’ strengths and creates an action plan to help them achieve their goals. “We help cultivate a consistent, caring environment for our students by offering data-driven support. I love building relationships with our students and watching them successfully progress!” 

Building those relations and getting to know students is her favorite part of her job. “They are so inspiring!” She even sends them weekly motivations and affirmations! 

Of BU’s six core values, Brittainy resonates the most with Trust and Be Trusted. She believes that integrity, empathy, and transparency are crucial in any role. “By being honest and dependable, you will gain trust and be trusted.” 

When she’s faced with challenges within her role, Brittainy said she overcomes them by thinking positively and remembering that everyone makes mistakes. The world of education is constantly changing, and Brittainy said it can be a challenge to bridge the gap between students’ personal struggles and their educational challenges.

Brittainy stays motivated by the incredible team she works with and the inspiring environment at BU. “The atmosphere, the fantastic team I’m part of, the culture, the students, and my colleagues. I thrive when I work in a supportive and upbeat environment. I love my job!” In the future, she envisions herself taking on more responsibility within her team while continuing to learn and grow. 

Individual posing with the Washington Monument in the background

Brittainy isn’t just a part of the BU team professionally, she’s also a student! She just finished the Paralegal Studies Undergraduate Certificate this month, and in April, she took part in an advocacy trip to Washington, D.C. “I’ll always remember that experience!”  

Within BU, Brittainy said her biggest inspirations are Paralegal Program Director Christine Leavit and Business Program Director Jennifer Newman. “I admire how much they care and advocate for our students. They always have our student’s best interests at heart. I’ve seen them come in and save the day.”

Brittainy’s advice for anyone just starting their career is don’t shy away from collaboration. “Teamwork makes the dream work. Allow yourself the opportunity to learn from your mistakes and grow. Nobody is perfect.” And for anyone considering a career at BU, Brittainy said: “You will love it! Join our team!” 
The Bryan University Employee Spotlight is an initiative that recognizes employees monthly. All employees of Bryan University are eligible. Learn more about Careers at Bryan University.

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