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Meet Melanie Cristi– Bryan U Associate Degree in Graphic Design Graduate


Meet Bryan University graduate Melanie A. Cristi. Melanie recently graduated from our Graphic Design program. Melanie worked in the medical field for over 15 years. Then, COVID hit, and she realized she wanted a different career path to allow her more time with her children. In April of 2022, Melanie began her program at BU, “Starting at Bryan is the best decision I made.” 

Melanie wanted to spend more time with her family and wanted to pursue a flexible degree program that would lead to a more flexible and fulfilling career. Bryan University’s 100% online program in graphic design was the perfect choice. “I am happy to have the flexibility and be in the comfort of my own home.” Melanie enjoyed completing her schooling independently while still having valuable time with her children. 

Melanie had a great experience with her instructors. She felt very comfortable with her instructors; they were easy to talk to and informative. To Melanie, the instructors did a great job and gave ample ways for students to reach out, whether an office hour, a number to text, or an email. 

For Melanie, she felt her program was very eye-opening. She felt that even though there were a lot of subjects to discuss in such a short period, there were many ways to keep on top of everything. The program exceeded Melanie’s expectations, and she decided to continue at BU for her bachelor’s degree in digital marketing. 

“The programs have been very enlightening; some have brought me a better understanding of my personal life, not just my career.” 

For Melanie, deciding to attend Bryan to help her achieve her goals was the best decision. She encourages those interested in a career in graphic design to seriously consider the program at BU versus classes on specific aspects of graphic design. “Graphic design is not just one thing; this program at BU will help you in the long term, and it never hurts to learn more than you bargained for.” 

Learn more about Graphic Design at BU today! 

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