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Meet Lavender Fuller – Bryan U Associate Degree in Paralegal Studies and Litigation Technologies Graduate

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Lavender Fuller is a recent Bryan University graduate from an Associate’s Degree in Paralegal Studies and Litigation Technology.

Lavender is a single mother of four: two daughters and twin sons. When Lavender’s sons were born, they were placed in the Neonatal intensive care unit/Cardiovascular Intensive Care Unit, or NICU/CVICU. One of her sons had a congenital heart defect, and the twins spent a total of 181 days in the NICU/CVICU. Lavender needed to learn everything she could to be a strong advocate for her sons. This time she spent learning also helped keep her focused, positive, and present during this trying time. Upon their graduation from NICO, Lavender first looked into going to school.

“I don’t think anyone up and completely changes their lives without some kind of push. Whether a good push or a bad push. The reason for the push need not matter if it’s pushing you forward. We are all here on this planet to cultivate and enrich our lives.”

Shortly after her twins were released, Lavender faced another challenge, a very hostile family law case. Once again, Lavender looked at learning to find guidance and strength during this time. While working through this case, Lavender encountered a paralegal who became an incredible healing energy for her, completing forms and other documents necessary for her family law case. She empowered Lavender and gave her someone to lean on. “This Paralegal not only had knowledge and compassion towards me, but she also pushed me to become something similar. I went to BU for my Associate’s Degree in Paralegal Studies and Litigation Technology. I went full force in knowing I wanted to study family law and use my experiences to help other lost souls trapped in the Family Law System.”

Lavender maintained a perfect 4.0 GPA at BU, utilizing her instructors’ and peers’ patience and guidance. Lavender felt that the power of perseverance at BU became captivating – pushing her to reach each goal leading to graduation.

“BU taught me about being resilient, practicing time management, making reasonable goals, and having a growth mindset. I was able to take these lessons into my career as a Paralegal to understand deadlines and client onboarding and have passion for my work.”

Here’s what Lavender says to someone thinking about starting a program at BU, “Do something that will make your future self proud. Put in the hard work, learn when to ask for help, and believe in yourself. In other words… BU.”

Learn more about Bryan University’s Associate’s Degree in Paralegal Studies and Litigation Technology today!

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