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Meet Jasmine Pipkins – Bryan U Full Stack Web Development Graduate

Web development grad, Jasmine
Jasmine Pipkins, Bryan U Graduate

Jasmine Pipkins is a recent graduate of Bryan University’s Associate Degree in Full Stack Web Development. Jasmine, a cosmetology instructor and hair stylist, became interested in web development when a friend mentioned that she was taking classes in the same subject matter. As she looked into what web development work would include, Jasmine felt she would be a good fit. She enjoys project-based and structured work that web development often comprises.

Jasmine began looking into schools that offered web development and liked that Bryan offered a degree program – not just a certificate – in web development. Also, because of her hectic work schedule, she needed a flexible option to continue teaching and working while attending school. “While taking classes, I worked every night and all day at the salon on the weekends. It was great that BU worked with me on my schedule, so I didn’t have to miss anything.”

Jasmine appreciated the help she received from different departments within BU. She liked that the admissions process was clear-cut and that the admissions staff broke everything down for her – there were no surprises. Jasmine also feels that open communication throughout BU was so helpful for remote students like herself. She enjoyed the prompt responses from instructors and tutors. “I was able to learn so much because my tutors were so patient with me.”

Jasmine’s program was a departure from her current role in cosmetology. However, she was excited about getting to work in web development. “I like trying new things, and you never know unless you try something.” Jasmine loved the hands-on learning of the web development program and felt it was a great way to learn web development. The program’s flexibility was vital for her, and the course pace was well structured. Jasmine’s experience at BU met her expectations, and she was glad to be able to attend class virtually.

Her experience with her instructors was outstanding. Jasmine spoke about one instructor who would have the students question how he created the code; for her, this was a great way to learn to code. It allowed her to find and fix any mistakes she may have made, which she felt solidified her mastery of the course.

Jasmine learned much about herself and gained more than just a degree. “Completing this degree program taught me to pay more attention to detail and be more organized.”

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