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Bryan University Success Stories: How Distance Learning Changes Students Lives

World Distance Learning Day, which takes place on August 31, is a time to recognize learning that takes place outside of the traditional classroom setting. Having the option to learn in a hybrid or virtual environment makes an immense difference in the lives of those who have other commitments but who also want to further their education. 

History of World Distance Learning Day 

It might surprise you that World Distance Learning Day dates back all the way back to 1728! It was at that time that a shorthand teacher named Caleb Phillips bought an ad in the Boston Gazette advertising lessons that would be delivered through the mail1. It wasn’t until the 1840’s when the postal service was improved that the idea garnered more interest. It was then that Sir Isaac Pitman sent shorthand teachings through the mail and had his students send him postcards with their efforts, which he would correct and send back2

A few years later, the Phonographic Correspondence Society was founded, which was a precursor to Pitman’s Correspondence College. Thirty years later, the Society to Encourage Studies at Home was founded. A few years after that, Illinois Wesleyan College became the first institution to offer a degree program “in absentia.”

Those early forms of distance learning evolved into what we know today!   

Bryan University Success Stories 

At Bryan University, we believe all students can succeed, and we’re proud to be able to offer an engaging online learning environment. Below we’ll introduce you to some BU graduates who said being able to learn virtually changed their lives. 

Tanisha Jackson, Medical Assisting Graduate 

Tanisha always felt drawn to the medical field and said online learning enabled her to pursue her passion with an already busy schedule. The virtual clinicals were her favorite part of the program, in particular, learning to draw blood. It was especially helpful to be able to repeat the learning modules as many times as she needed and to be able to re-submit work.  

“Don’t limit yourself, don’t put yourself in a box — think outside of the box. If you have the desire to achieve a goal you’ve set out for, do not let anything or anyone stop you. Go for it no matter how old or young you are or how busy your schedule is. Achieve your goals; don’t stop for anything.” 

Tara Gilligan, Medical Assisting and Health Information Management Graduate

Tara needed a flexible program that fit into her busy schedule as a working mom, and she said BU’s programs allowed her to stay on track through major life changes. While she pursued her AA in Health Information Management, she moved states, and while she completed the Clinical Medical Assisting program, she had her third child. 

“Anything is possible. Especially if you have children, especially if you’re young — I’m a young mom of three. My biggest barrier was thinking that I couldn’t do it, thinking that I wouldn’t have the time to do it. But with Bryan, you have the flexibility, the resources, and the amount of time is endless for mastery.” 

Feltonisha Butts, Applied Exercise and Fitness Graduate 

Feltonisha wanted to learn more about fitness and how the body works, but she needed a flexible program to fit into her busy lifestyle. She said earning her degree gave her a sense of accomplishment, and she wouldn’t change anything about her time at BU. 

“I would give it a 10. It’s been an absolutely great experience, I love this school,” she said. “I absolutely love this school. I’ve always liked the professors; they all stuck out in my mind and made it an easy journey. I absolutely loved my journey at Bryan.” 

Samantha Brannon, Medical Assisting Graduate 

Samantha wanted to return to the healthcare field after taking a break, but she needed a program that would work with her life as a full-time working mom of three. She signed up for BU within a week of finding the program. She said the flexibility of the program made it possible for her to complete it, and after graduating, she got a new job with a schedule that gives her more time with her family. 

“I had such a good experience,” Samantha said of her time with Bryan University. “The way that they have incorporated being able to teach you the skills you need to actually do the job and be able to learn them virtually, it’s just — it was great.” 

Melanie Cristi, Graphic Design Graduate

Melanie realized during the COVID-19 pandemic that she wanted a different career path and found that the flexibility of Bryan University’s graphic design program was exactly what she was looking for. She loved being able to complete her assignments while still spending valuable time with her children. “Starting at Bryan is the best decision I made.”

Olivia Poste, Medial Assisting Graduate

Olivia decided to pursue a career in the medical field after her son was born premature and she found inspiration from the nurses she met while he was in the NICU. Eager to dive into her new career, she wanted an accelerated program but with a new baby, she also needed something flexible — Bryan University checked those boxes. “It exceeded my expectations because of how personable my instructors were. They were so friendly, and I didn’t expect learning to be as fun as it was.” 

These are just a handful of stories from BU graduates. Curious to learn more? Check them out here!

  1.   “World Distance Learning Day.” National Today, Accessed 20 Aug. 2024.
  2.  “Timeline.” Time Graphics, Accessed 20 Aug. 2024.

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