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Setting You Up for Success: Bryan University’s Library

Bryan University’s library is an academic resource for its online students, offering many resources tailored to their educational needs. Despite being an online institution, the university can recognize the importance of providing its students comprehensive access to research materials, scholarly articles, e-books, and more. 

Keep reading to dive deeper into the library resources for Bryan University’s online community.

Writing Center

The library can provide access to Bryan University’s Writing Center, which has become a vital resource for fostering writing excellence among its students. The resources of the Writing Center range from understanding what plagiarism is, tips and tricks on writing a paper, immediate access to searching the BU library, and learning how to write APA style. 

Understanding the APA Writing Style (Tips & Tricks)

APA formatting is a writing style that a student will come across during their academic journey; the writing center provides tips and tricks to help students better understand APA. Students can access a Bryan University APA Template from the Library directly by clicking this link. It’s all you need to ensure success when writing an APA-style paper.

Another helpful resource is understanding APA in-text citations within your paper. A citation refers to sources such as books, websites, videos, course lectures, or personal interviews. There are two formats of in-text citations: parenthetical and narrative. Learn more here.

Another perk of BU’s library is free access to Grammarly EDU, which can be accessed through a student’s BU email. Utilizing Grammarly can help a student quickly check for spelling, grammar, and plagiarism and become a better writer. 

There are seven easy steps to getting set up on Grammarly, which can be found here

Scholarly Research Assistance

Scholarly research is a crucial part of a student’s academic journey; taking the time to understand what it means to do scholarly research will help benefit the student in the long term. 

The library database is a searchable online resource containing various information and authoritative published works. Databases are searchable by keywords, subjects, authors, titles, dates, and other information. Using a library database instead of a website will ensure authority and reliability for what you’re searching for. Search strategy and keywords follow what a library database consists of. When conducting research online, keywords are essential to help narrow down your search. There are five quick steps to a successful search, which can be found here.

BU’s A-Z databases include U.S. Major Daily Newspapers, a wide selection of supplemental electronic books, and open-source industry-specific resources, which can be easily accessed through this link

Additionally, scholarly journals are often called peer-reviewed journals, academic journals, or research journals. Peer-reviewed journals are ones that experts in the field reviewed and approved for publication to help ensure accuracy.

Additional Library Resources 

Orientations & Webinars

Library orientations are typically provided to students the first week of every term. Students can access a public calendar to see when the next session will be. Topics of discussion include but are not limited to, a library overview, library databases and how to utilize them, scholarly research, writing APA style, and more. There is also access to downloadable slides, including how-to guides on APA, RefWorks, and Grammarly. 

If you can not attend a scheduled presentation, a link to the recorded session will be posted on this page within one business day. 

One-on-One Tutoring Session

Need some help? Book a one-on-one tutoring session with an Academic Consultant. They are here to help you with research, citing sources, grammar, revisions, and anything else. Book a session by clicking here.

Need additional help or at-home reference materials? View the How to Write a Paper link, which grants access to endless resources to help ensure success. 

BU’s Library Ensures Student Success 

As we can see, BU’s library is full of valuable resources and tips on succeeding as a writer. The small details of scholarly research, databases, and scholarly journals are crucial information to have and pass along to the next student.

Never miss an orientation session given by the Librarian, Amanda Henderson, where she provides endless information on utilizing the library resources successfully. 

Have further questions? Contact the library at 602.838.7312 or

Interested in learning more about additional services offered to current students? Dive into Bryan University’s Student Resource Center here.

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