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Meet Feltonisha Butts — Bryan University Associate Degree in Applied Exercise and Fitness Graduate 

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Meet Feltonisha Butts, a graduate of Bryan University’s Associate Degree in Applied Exercise and Fitness. Feltonisha was eager to learn more about fitness and how the body works, driven by her ambition to open a children’s fitness center in the future. 

Feltonisha has worked in education for years, and she said that seeing kids treated differently based on their size was her ultimate inspiration. “I have watched a lot of kids get omitted that are overweight. Nobody wants to pick them for their groups, people isolate them. I want to be able to help them, so that’s what motivated me to start.” 

Feltonisha said learning online was different than she expected, and she loved the freedom that learning virtually gave her. Her biggest challenge was fitting her coursework into her busy schedule. “It was very hard, it was a lot. I’m a very busy person, but it’s something that I really wanted.” 

In addition to a flexible schedule, having dedicated instructors made a huge difference for Feltonisha as she earned her degree. “They were always there, there were times when I was reaching out after hours, and they didn’t shun me. They were like come on, let’s do this. They never turned me away or made me feel like I was bothering them. They were awesome.” 

Of everything she learned, Feltonisha said what stuck with her the most were the things you can do proactively to impact your health.  

“Just because your family has a history of things doesn’t mean you have to have it as well. You can exercise, you can eat right, you can do conducive things to your body so you don’t have to be a victim of those things as well.” 

Feltonisha said she wouldn’t change anything about her experience with BU. “I would give it a 10. It’s been an absolutely great experience, I love this school,” she said. “I absolutely love this school. I’ve always liked the professors; they all stuck out in my mind and made it an easy journey. I absolutely loved my journey at Bryan.”  

She’s currently preparing to teach Physical Education and said since graduating, she feels fulfilled by her achievements. “It gave me a sense of completion. I’ve always wanted to have a degree, and be able to get better jobs just because I have a degree.” 

When asked if she had any advice for someone considering BU’s Associate Degree in Applied Exercise and Fitness, Feltonisha said just do it. 

“Don’t be on the fence, just do it. Once you do it, those years fly by, the time flies by. It’s an awesome school with awesome teachers, and you will love your experience. I enjoyed every bit of it,” she said. “This is a school that I can say personally I went to, I enjoyed it, and I would advise people to just try it. You never know until you try it, so just try it.” 

Are you ready to start your education journey at BU? Learn more about Bryan University’s Associate Degree in Applied Exercise and Fitness today! 

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