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Why You Should Enroll in an Online Pharmacy Technician Program

Did you know that a career as a pharmacy technician is in high demand and expected to grow in the coming years? Statistics show that it is one of the fastest-growing careers in the United States, with more than 40,000 job openings posted per year. What this means for you is that, while you’ll be entering an exciting and rewarding career field, you’ll also face competition. Get a leg up on the competition by enrolling in an online pharmacy technician program today! 

Enrolling in an online pharmacy technician program gives you a competitive edge, allowing you to gain hands-on knowledge in a growing industry. Keep reading for an overview of the benefits of enrolling in an online pharmacy technician program and how doing so is the gateway to your successful future. 

Benefits of Enrolling in an Online Pharmacy Technician Program 

When you join a fast-growing, competitive job market, doing anything you can to set yourself apart from other applicants is key. As briefly mentioned above, this is one of the top benefits of enrolling in an online pharmacy technician program. But that isn’t all. Here are five other benefits of enrolling in an online pharmacy technician program. 

You Get to Learn at Your Pace

Many times, those who are interested in enrolling in an online pharmacy technician program are also parents, caretakers, and already working a full-time schedule.

This causes the idea of pursuing an education to be placed on the back burner. After all, who has all that extra time to dedicate to commuting to campus to meet classes that may not coincide with your actual availability? 

With an online pharmacy technician program, you will alleviate this stress by being able to learn on your own schedule. Classes are available through different platforms, including Zoom which gives you the option to watch them again if you need a little extra clarification.

You’ll Develop the Right Skills Needed to Succeed as a Pharmacy Technician

All it takes to begin working as a pharmacy technician is usually a high school diploma. For many technicians who pursue this career immediately following college, that means they’re learning all their skills on the job. 

However, when you enroll in an online program, you’ll already possess the skills you need to hit the ground running. 

Through an online pharmacy technician program, you’ll learn the following: 

  • Medical terminology
  • Compounding of both sterile and non-sterile items
  • Medication dosage, side effects, and drug interactions
  • Generic and name-brand medications
  • Customer service and excellent communication skills to interact with patients
  • HIPPA and OSHA laws and compliance

Furthermore, you’ll also receive a pharmacy technician kit for even more hands-on practice. This practice kit includes safety needles, personal protective equipment (PPE), a counting tray, a spatula, a mortar and pestle, a pocket scale, and more. 

Increased Job Satisfaction

By entering the workforce with the skills you need to succeed, you can enjoy better job satisfaction because you can start making a difference right away. 

Pharmacy technicians are an invaluable resource in helping patients get the medications they need, as well as being a sounding board if they have questions. Ensuring the safety of medications can be extremely rewarding. 

Job Search Assistance Upon Successful Completion

Last but not least, one of the biggest benefits of enrolling in an online pharmacy technician program is that, upon completion, you will have access to job search assistance from career advisors who know the industry – and most notably, who’s hiring. 

As a pharmacy technician, you have your pick of environments. Pharmacy technicians are in demand in hospitals, assisted living facilities, nursing homes, fitness centers, and retail establishments. What this means for you is your pick of flexible schedules that work for you, your family, and your lifestyle. To take advantage of job search assistance, just speak to your advisor. They can point you in the right direction of where to apply based on your preferences and location. 

While this isn’t a complete list of all the ways in which enrolling in a pharmacy technician program can benefit you, they are some of the most common. Working in the field of pharmaceuticals is ideal for anyone who wants to make a difference in the lives of others, enjoy a flexible schedule, and create the building blocks for a successful career both now and in the future. 

Are You Ready for a New Adventure? Begin Your Rewarding Career as a Pharmacy Technician Today! 

With the pharmacy technician industry seeing phenomenal growth in recent years, there’s never been a better time to become a pharmacy technician. If you’re ready to get started, contact the admissions team at Bryan University. Our staff will walk you through the process of enrolling in our online Pharmacy Technician Undergraduate Certificate program. 

At Bryan University, we take great pride in helping our students succeed both in class and in their chosen profession. We’re more than a school; we’re your gateway to a successful career and ample opportunities to pursue your passions. Call us at 1-888-768-6861 or request info online about our pharmacy technician undergraduate certificate. Your rewarding career as a pharmacy technician awaits. 

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