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Is an Online Degree the Same as a Traditional College Degree?

After reading our post on the ten benefits of online colleges, you’ve begun thinking about an online college as your next move more seriously than ever. You’ve also considered what will happen after college and the legitimacy of a degree from an online college. Is an online degree the same as a traditional degree, or is one less than the other?

Online degrees are no different or less valid than one earned at a traditional college. Either way, a degree can be the gateway to your new career.

In this article, we’ll compare both online college degrees and traditional college degrees.

Who Will I Learn From?

Faculty at both online and traditional colleges are subject matter experts in their chosen fields. Regardless of the type of college, faculty must hold certain credentials to design curriculum and teach courses. Faculty are also just as accessible online as in traditional brick and mortar settings.

Do Online Diplomas Look Different?

One of the things you worry about when it comes to a potential online education is that your diploma will look different. Will it?

Not at all. Your diploma will have your name, the degree you earned, and the degree granting institution’s name you. That’s it!

Many online colleges don’t have names that differ from what you’d expect from a traditional college. For example, Bryan University is an online college, but from the name alone, you’d never guess it.

Are Online Degrees Taken Seriously?

A potential employer may consider the college you attended when reviewing your application.

Fair and just employers value degrees whether online or traditional and will give a job candidate a chance based on their skills and experience rather than any other factor.

Experience, skills, and degree attainment are all important factors when seeking career opportunities. Whether you went to a campus or connected to courses online, you earn the degree through developing and demonstrating mastery of the knowledge and skills required of your chose field.

Why Are Online Degrees Respected?

You might still be wondering why online degrees are respected.

Well, the better question is why wouldn’t they be respected?

Let’s explore reasons employers respect online degrees.

Candidates Have Great Job Skills

Students learn skills in online settings the same as it would occur in traditional universities.

Online schools research the skills hiring managers are looking for in candidates when designing new programs and curriculum.

Students have opportunities to develop both hard and soft skills that they’ll utilize on the job. Within online programs, students are developing skills that transfer to remote work settings such as virtual communication, using video meetings, and various technology tools.

Looking for the Right Online College for You?

If you’re searching for an online college to enroll in, Bryan University could be it!

Bryan U offers an assortment of programs, including healthcare, paralegal, business, graphic and web design, full-stack web development, Master of Public Health, and exercise, fitness, and nutrition.

As a Bryan U student, you can learn from the comfort of your home, using Zoom teleconferencing software to stay in touch with staff and fellow students. You can watch live events or check out recordings after the fact if you miss an event.

If you need individualized attention, you can meet with your instructor via video chat. Tutoring options are also available via your peers and college mentors. You’ll feel supported in your college education every step of the way.

Bryan U’s curriculum utilizes a research-based learning model that features digital textbooks and other modern advancements in learning. You’ll get through your courses faster and retain more of what you learned.

The goal of attending college at an online school such as Bryan University is to fast-track your education. You’ll receive the full scope of an education that you would in a traditional college but on an accelerated schedule.

You’ll have your degree faster and can be on your way to beginning your career and applying the myriad of skills you learned in college.

Bryan University also makes attending college affordable. The cost of your textbooks is included in your tuition, and many programs have a tuition lock guarantee. This means that for as long as you’re a student at Bryan University, you won’t have to worry about the cost of your tuition increasing as you continue your education at BU, your tuition actually decreases!

When the time comes to plan the next steps of your career, Bryan U’s Career Services will help you prepare a great resume and cover letter. You can also get networking tips and leads so you can find that incredible job and begin doing what you love! 

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