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Community Outreach

Building bridges and giving back.

bryan university community outreach group

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Bryan University is grateful for the opportunity to donate time, money, and services to organizations both near and far, and humbly hopes that these contributions may, in some small way, improve the lives of the people served. Below is a list of the organizations to which Bryan University and its employees donate. The goal is to continue to grow the list as well as the contributions made.

Children First Academy
Tempe, Arizona

Children First Academy is dedicated to engaging students as critical thinkers, problem solvers, and active citizens. The organization serves the “whole child” by providing hope, fostering strength, and facilitating self-determination.

Of the students and families served, 100% are at the poverty line and a vast majority of the students are homeless. Approximately 300 students, grades K-8, are educated on the school’s campus. The school provides stability and hope for kids amid a chaotic world of homelessness and hopelessness; many of the children live in motels, shelters, and/or cramped living quarters.

Children First Academy works to provide the necessities, care, and attention that so many homeless and low socioeconomic children lack.

Pathway Centre for Rehabilitation and Education of the Mentally Handicapped
Chennai, India.

Pathway Centre’s main concern is to provide quality care for those who are not able to afford or provide it for themselves. The organization offers comprehensive care and assistance to as many children as facilities can accommodate without regard to religion, caste, creed, or sex. The ultimate goal is to help children develop the skills and self-esteem they’ll need to become productive citizens in their homeland of India.

In 2012, Bryan University began its relationship with Pathways by teaching English Composition and Poetry to ninth-grade children—utilizing the same live, online-learning technology used to teach Bryan’s college-level students. Because of the time difference, Bryan University volunteers stayed up late at night to reach students attending early-morning classes in India.  The instruction year concluded with the Pathway Olympics, where 12 gold, silver, and bronze medals were awarded to students who demonstrated creativity and mastery in poetry, and 12 gold, silver, and bronze medals were awarded to students mastering prose.

For the 2013—2014 school year, Bryan volunteers are working with fifth- and sixth- grade students at Pathway Centre to assist them with English language and science skills at an earlier age.  The next Pathway Olympics is scheduled for the second week in February and will award 27 gold, sliver, and bronze medals in English, and nine medals in Science.

Tempe Women in Business Council
Tempe, Arizona

Bryan University has active employees involved in the Tempe Women in Business Council, which fosters the growth and success of women in business through personal and professional development, with the ultimate goal of improving Tempe businesses and the community. The organization organizes and operates seminars featuring empowering and inspiring speakers to promote self-discovery and mastery. In addition, the group provides networking opportunities, tradeshows, mentoring programs, coaching, and an annual celebration to pay tribute to the Business Woman of the Year.

bronze medals in English, and nine medals in Science.

St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital

Bryan University provides support to St. Jude in furthering its mission to understand, treat and defeat childhood cancer and other life-threatening diseases.
